
Hello there, my name is

Amy Wang

I am a software engineer with experience in various parts of the tech stack including frontend, backend, and devops for complex scalable web apps. I've worked on teams and companies ranging from small to large following agile processes. My goal is to learn as much as I can in whichever direction my career takes me!

What I do

I have over 3 years of experience building software on agile teams for early startups, large companies, financial companies, etc. Additionally, I have engineered several full stack applications during my time at Waterloo with differing use cases and stakeholders. Below is a quick overview of the tools and technologies that I've worked with, but I'm looking to expand that to more or strengthen the knowledge I have already accumulated!

JavaScript & TypeScript

My primary languages used in almost every project and most recent work experience, usually in conjunction with React. TypeScript makes code easier to read and consume.

React & Redux

My frontend library of choice, most of my work experience & projects use React! It's super lightweight and intuitive. With that comes experience with state management via Context, Redux, LocalStorage.


Worked with Node.js professionally and in projects to setup the backend to communicate with db, provide REST endpoints, and setup Redis cache for authentication and session management.

Python & Flask

Used Python & Flask combo in earlier projects such as Resumate and Oink. Learned basic machine learning concepts and how to build neural networks via Python and various libraries such as SpaCy, numPy, etc.

HTML, CSS & Tailwind

The fundamental building blocks of frontend web development! (minus Tailwind) Even when using popular frontend frameworks and libraries, these are the foundational languages.

npm, lerna & yarn

Package and project managers I've worked with to build out versioned microservices and monorepos. I've also published packages to npm!

Git & Gitlab CI

Git is essential for any developers toolkit. I'm well versed in git best practices for coding, committing, PR reviews, etc. Additionally, I've worked on optimizing Gitlab CI pipelines!

AWS & Docker

I've dabbled in AWS' S3, CloudFront, and Route 53. In fact, this porfolio is auto-deployed via GitHub Actions and served on AWS. Plus I've used Docker to containerize fullstack apps and visual regression tests.

PostgreSQL & GraphQL

Built to extend SQL's capabilities, these query languages come in handy for database management for fullstack apps. I have also used ORMs like Cube.js and Knex.js to more easily manipulate and display data!


Essential to every frontend project, I've used Storybook to visualize, test, and develop components. The most notable project was leveraging Storybook to create a visual regression framework.

Unit & Functional Testing

Core fundamentals to any kind of test-driven development to ensure methods or systems function as prescribed following AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert).

Jira & Scrum

Have always worked in an Agile development environment following scrum methodologies and participating in various scrum ceremonies! Jira is definitely in my comfort zone.

Favourite Projects

Here are my favourite projects at a glance. All are fullstack applications developed by me. Some projects were created while working in a team with classmates of other skillsets varying from business, project management, UI design, and data science.


A multiclient volunteer app that connects volunteers to organizations and validates them through the school system in Ontario.



An application for hiring managers and prospective hirees to intelligently rank and apply for jobs using NLP to parse candidate resumes against a job description.


Portfolio V1

A portfolio I made in 2021 just before graduating to showcase all of my co-op experience to increase visibility.


Latest Code

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Throughout my time at Waterloo, I had the opportunity to work with a group of amazing individuals all with varying skillsets to create various projects showcased here. I couldn't have completed these projects without them and it strengthened my teamwork skill. However, my role was to bring our business ideas to fruition through using my expertise, software development. I was primarily the only developer on the projects, so the technical portion of the work that is being shown is not shared and is my own work.


backend api for oink application

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dashboard piece of oink application

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Fullstack volunteer matching application which caters to three stakeholders, the student, school, and organization. MyTime monorepo with student-frontend, org-frontend, admin-frontend, backend.

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google chrome extension of oink application

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Updated version of the dev portfolio

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My Next.js web developer portfolio site

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© Copyright 2023, Amy Wang